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See Her.

Two weeks ago I went on a date with my husband and our daughters to Dunkin' Donuts. My little girls share in my deep passion for donuts, so they'd been waiting anxiously for our Saturday morning outing.

(Look at those beautiful, donut loving, faces)!

Week after week we visit the same D.D., but this particular morning we ended up at one across town we had never been to. In the picture above you see me with my back to the camera, unaware a photo is being taken by my husband. Also pictured is my two year old watching me from the table. What you do not see, and what about 15 other people chose not to see that morning, is Courtney.

As I sat enjoying my usual iced coffee, happy as can be with my family, I saw her. Courtney was on her way out the door, with a cup holder full of drinks in her hands, and tears streaming down her cheeks. She had walked through the bustling Saturday morning coffee drinkers, while pushing back her cries, which no one seemed to care or notice. However, God saw her. He had purposed me to be at this Dunkin' out of our way, just for her.

This beautiful girl who I saw with my eyes, God let me see with His heart.

My friends, as I stopped her at the door, I didn't have a clue what was upsetting her. I didn't know if I would have the words she needed to hear or if I would be able to help. Despite, I couldn't allow myself to sit there and watch her walk away. I stopped her at the door and asked the simplest, but at the moment, most ridiculous question I could, "Are you okay?" At first, as most would, she wiped at her tears and tried to say, "Yeah, I'm okay." The ache I felt for her in my heart wouldn't allow me to relent; so instead I asked her again. Maybe she realized I actually cared, or perhaps she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer, so she opened her heart to me.

Through tears Courtney shared with me that her mom died just 5 days prior. She regularly visited this Dunkin' Donuts with her mom, and she even pointed out the booth they always sat in together. She showed me the note a barista placed in her cupholder offering up her condolences for Courtney's loss. Courtney was hurting, she was suffering deeply, and she needed someone in that moment to be there for her. I proceeded to hug her and she allowed me to pray with her. Then off she went, her coffees in hand, and the hint of a smile on her face in place of her tears.

I don't share this story for my own glory. God knows, that 75% of the time, I am guilty of ignoring His still small voice out of my own fear. Fear of what? Sometimes we don't even know, it just grips us and keeps us from reaching out. However, I realize, although I initially did not know what was wrong with Courtney or what her needs may have been, I knew one thing;

since I have Jesus, I have the answer. To keep Him, the solution, to myself, would do her no good.

Additionally, what I love about this captured photo is the display of how our children are always watching what we do. We can pray for our children. We can teach them to love God and reach out to the world around them, however, they are watching how, and if, we extend our arms to those around us.

We can not expect to raise world changers if we are too busy or afraid to change the world ourselves.

Let's allow our kids to be a part of our every day example of ministry. Let's let them witness us reaching out! It will challenge them to do the same and build their faith.

I close with this thought and this call to action; How many people do we walk by everyday and choose not to see? Will we as God's people settle upon Jesus to be our answer and the answer for those around us? Let's lift up our eyes and open our hearts so we don't miss a Courtney that God purposes in our path. Let's pray to see with His heart what we may miss with our eyes. I will probably never see Courtney again, but I believe the Lord reassured her of His love for her. It's not up to us to create the change. Our part is to plant the seeds, sprinkle the love, and be obedient. God promises to do the rest of the work. So let's go out, boldly in Christ, and change the world together; one Courtney heart at a time.

I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. Isaiah 49:6

Do you know someone who lost their mom? Mothers Day is right around the corner. Send them a card, write a text, or make the phone call to let them know you are thinking of them. That kind gesture could make a very difficult day a little bit brighter!

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